Next to Katie’s name was Kevin who was Jen’s dad, next to Jen’s name was Frank, and next to Amy’s name was Kevin. “I was just wondering if Adam could Hardcore help me put up asian posters again.” She looked me right in the eye. Did I understand? “Anael!” They chuckled to themselves, some eyeing the bit of my broad chest exposed by the robe.
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: Ipz203
I picked up the phone, standing there as I was it seemed appropriate that it was Cameron on the other end. He didn’t do me, though…I suppose that’s fair, he is my brother after all. It was 93 people, generally in their 30’s, some in their 20’s some in their 40’s, almost all couples, only a very few vetted singles were allowed, all of us were packed into a 4 bedroom house, 2 large living rooms, one was for mixing and socializing and the other was a dark “group room” except for a nice fireplace that bounced light off people in various forms and combinations of sex, can’t forget the nice kitchen with an incredible spread of asian food, $40 entry fee, a big hot tub in continual use, a nice sexy dance floor with great lighting and most often full of hot women doing lezzie things to each other while their husbands watched at the railing frothing Hardcore at the mouth, of course great music and a cool DJ. Cindy is beside her, running her hands over her boobs and nuzzling into her ear.
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Movie Type: video/mp4
Clip Length: 15:21
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